WhatsApp won't work on these smartphones from 2020. Is your phone falls in the list?

WhatsApp also mentioned that it would 'no longer create new accounts, nor re-verify existing accounts after February 1, 2020' on certain Android and iOS smartphones

  • As notified earlier whatsapp will completely stop working on all Windows-supported phones from 31 December, 2019 along with this now they have announced that it will also not work on a number of Android and iOS phones from 1 February, 2020

According to the information on WhatsApp FAQ section, Android phones running on Android 2.3.7 operating system and iPhones running on iOS 8 will not support WhatsApp from next year.
Moreover, the FAQ also emphasised that these older version of Android and iOS operating systems "can no longer create new accounts, nor re-verify existing accounts after February 1, 2020."

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